Serving Our Native Workforce

Tribal Employment Rights Office is a tribal entity which assists in and requires fair employment practices and imposes Indian Preference requirements of Reservation employers on or near the Bishop Indian Reservation.

ABOUT USContact Us

Committed to increasing training and employment opportunities for Indian People to achieve their highest potential to become confident and self-sufficient.

TERO provides job referral services, promotes training opportunities and enforces equal employment rights for employees. We are located at 52 Tu Su Lane, Bishop, CA 93514. We have applications for the TERO Job Skills Bank, we work with Employer/Contractors on Compliance Plan Agreements and collection of TERO fees, we provide training on various job skills, we provide new employment assistance (tools, clothing, fuel, etc.,…) to Tribal members, and we also receive/investigate complaints filed in relation to the TERO Ordinance.

For any questions about the TERO Office or TERO Ordinance, please call (760) 873-7893.

TERO Trainings

Increasing opportunities for Indian People to achieve their highest potential to become confident and self-sufficient.
Basic Leadership Skills Training tero
Basic Leadership Skills Training tero
Basic Leadership Skills Training tero